
Cancelling your appointment or your request for an appointment | CSSS de Memphrémagog and CSSS du Granit

To cancel an appointment at a collection center or a local point of service, go to clicsanté


Important: If you cancel an appointment, your name will be removed from the waiting list.

If you wish to modify or postpone an appointment with a specialist, please fill in the form Modify or postpone an appointment

Hospital concerned

Your identity (Step 1 of 4)

Your contact details (Step 2 of 4)

No information concerning your health status (diagnosis, test results, etc.) will be e-mailed to you.

Appointment to cancel information (Step 3 of 4)

If you cancel a consultation: Your request will be withdrawn from the waiting list and a new request will be required from your referring Doctor.

If you cancel a follow-up appointment: Your request will be withdrawn from the waiting list. There will be a 2 year delay period, from the date of your last consultation, if you wish to consult with your specialist. After 2 years, a new request will be required from you referring Doctor.

Don't want to cancel your appointment? Return to the online services page >
Available specialties: Anesthesia, sleep apnea, cardiology, general surgery, minor surgery, pain clinic, dermatology, ECG - Holter or MAPA, cardiac ultrasound and treadmill, endocrinology, endoscopy, gastroenterology, gynecology, internal medicine, nephrology, neurology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, otolaryngology (ENT), pediatrics, respiratory physiology (or respiratory function), pneumology.

Can't find your specialty in this list? Then your request, type of examination (e.g. radiology) or specialized clinic (e.g. metabolic clinic) is NOT covered by this appointment center. To find the appointment center in question and its telephone number.

Authorizations and consents (Step 4 of 4)

At the next step, you will have the opportunity to validate your information before submitting your request.
* Field is mandatory.

Transmission of data online | Confidentiality

No personal data is permanently stored on our servers.

When you provide your information through the secure forms of an appointment center, the information is sent through an electronic messaging system (e-mail) and may involve confidentiality risks.

The CIUSSS de l'Estrie – CHUS cannot guarantee the confidentiality of information transmitted by e-mail.