
Rescheduling or Postponing an Appointment | CSSS de Memphrémagog and CSSS du Granit

Hospital concerned


If you have less than 48 hours before your appointment, please contact the relevant head office by telephone.
  • CSSS de Memphrémagog: 819-843-3381, ext. 2236, option 3
  • CSSS du Granit: 819-583-0330, ext. 36945
  • Your identity (Step 1 of 5)

    Information about the actual Appointment (Step 2 of 5)

    Available specialties : Anesthesia, sleep apnea, cardiology, general surgery, minor surgery, pain clinic, dermatology, ECG - Holter or MAPA, cardiac ultrasound and treadmill, endocrinology, endoscopy, gastroenterology, gynecology, internal medicine, nephrology, neurology, ophthalmology, orthopedics, otolaryngology (ENT), pediatrics, respiratory physiology (or respiratory function), pneumology.

    You cannot find the specialty in this list?Then your request, type of examination (e.g. radiology) or specialized clinic (e.g. metabolic clinic) is NOT covered by this appointment center. To find the appointment center in question and its telephone number,

    Period when you are unavailable for an appointment (Step 3 of 5)

    You have the possibility to indicate two periods of non-availability.

    Période 1

    Periode 2 (if necessary)

    IMPORTANT : If you already have an appointment scheduled during the period you will be unavailable, it will be rescheduled.

    Authorization to reschedule an appointment and consent (Step 4 of 5)

    No information concerning your health status (diagnosis, test results, etc.) will be e-mailed to you.

    Submit (Step 5 of 5)

    In the next step, you will be given the opportunity to confirm and validate your information before submitting your request.
    * Field is mandatory.